jeudi 16 août 2012

About Body Building For Women

Practice has shown that body building for women enjoys a great reputation at the international level, responding to the needs of a society where people simply have to find solutions for bad or even deploring health condition and stress. Body building for women doesn't only meet the athletic need to build on muscle mass that is required for competitions; there are a large number of women who turn to weight training in order to lose wait, increase their strength or even redefine their life guidelines. Let's have a look at what makes ladies start intense physical training.

First of all we have to say that there is no big weight difference reported after six months body building for women. How come? A woman who practices no special physical activity has one third of her body in fat tissue and the other two left are bones and muscles, whereas a woman who works out changes fat into muscle mass. There may be no weight difference, but there is surely one of content. Therefore, don't be surprised to see the scales showing the same, but your body will look absolutely terrific. There is one other element that makes body building for women so appealing.

Unlike men who increase the size of their muscles in a spectacular way, body building for women usually brings just a beautiful shaping of the arms, legs, chest and bottom. This difference comes from the high hormone content level that is specific to the male body, which is responsible for the spectacular transformation most men look forward to. Furthermore, body building for women brings about changes in the health condition, also reducing the risk for diabetes for instance. Studies have shown that body building contributes to the quicker body processing of sugar, by directly acting on the secretion of insulin.

Other benefits associated with body building for women include low risk to develop a heart disease and lower blood pressure. Weight training stimulates the body in such a way that it levels cardiac rhythm strengthening the circulation system and the lungs by the better control of breathing. When women start a body building program, little do they know of the increased strength and mobility this could bring about, not to mention that it also offers an anti-aging solution. By continuous body building, women increase not just joint flexibility but the elasticity of the tissue and the skin. This internal massaging of the skin by the working muscles is the secret to staying young longer.

Different physiological structures make women's body building a separate branch of the weight lifting training. First of all, women have a lot more fat tissue and less muscle fiber than men. The latter also grow more muscular mass due to the secretion of testosterone when processing fat in the system. Women's body building, though it doesn't bring a spectacular increase in muscle size, gives shape and sculptures the female body, burning fat and assuring an amazing sense of well being. No doubt, women who use weight lifting are stronger than those who don't, but there are other health benefits associated with women's body building which should not be overlooked.

Men are not predisposed to osteoporosis the way women are; studies have proved that women's body building lowers the risk of developing this health problem. Physical stimulation increases the bone activity and allows regeneration, when also supported by intakes of natural calcium. Some other benefits of women's body building also include better stress management, great physical shape, the ability to support the daily chores without getting exhausted, lowered risk of heart disease, better joint condition and increased blood circulation. For many women, body building brings the amount of physical activity required by a weight loss diet.

There are specialists who recommend body building to women in their forties, since working out is a way of stimulating all the body muscles and thus improving health condition. Nowadays special fitness and body building centers for women provide advanced facilities and professional assistance for regular exercises. Just like for men, women's body building requires a workout routine that the trainer should help you develop. Otherwise, any woman who turns to body building on her own, should create a program to train all the muscles in turn. Exercises with a low level of difficulty are recommended during the first weeks of weight lifting.

Gradual development of the muscle work out is the most advisable since you are not ready from the very beginning to lift weights randomly; any attempt to start abruptly may result in very serious joint or ligament problems as well as muscle breaks. Women's body building makes no exception from the rule of general training: a recovery time needs to be left between the workout sessions, otherwise you risk to lose muscle mass and even exhaust yourself. Women's body building is very often associated to other physical activities such as cycling or swimming; the good part is that body building increases resistance to effort and advanced flexibility.

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