dimanche 19 août 2012

Draper's Bodybuilding Advice for Gaining Muscle Weight

Here’s what I would do if I were you, you two: 

Don’t approach the endeavor to gain weight as a whim. Only whimsical things will happen (or minor disasters). Make it a mission to which you are committed. It’s serious business and serious things will happen. You have hard and joyful work ahead of you; you will apply and develop discipline and muscle; you’ll enjoy steps forward and endure steps back; you’ll be consistent and thorough, eating and training whether you want to or not; you’ll nurture a positive spirit as youfocus on your sound and exciting goals. Be who you are becoming, a stronger, bigger, more muscular lifter with more courage and character, savvy and spirit. Why wait? And, most of all, be humble, or humility will bind your ankles while you dance like a clown. 

You’re gonna eat more of the right food. Listen closely, guys, especially you, lucky young high school teenager with your whole life before you who’s crossing the bridge too few adults have the brains to notice or approach. You are attending your muscle- and might-building nutrition by increasing your protein intake and limiting your fat and carbohydrate intake to those that are valuable and needed, and not excessive or noxious. I prefer a 50, 25, 25 balance of protein, fat and carbs. Some smart lifters advise a 40, 30, 30 ratio. Either is good, and you determine your favorite ratio as you become familiar with your metabolic and mental idiosyncrasies. We’re all a little crazy, ya know, and no two metabolisms are alike. 

Eat regularly throughout the day, six smaller meals rather than one or two snack-supplemented larger meals. This affords much better nutrient absorption, a consistent feeding of the tissues for repair and building and a regular supply of fuel for energy, and it prevents catabolism. You can do this, men of steel, though to follow a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle will require some daring sacrifice: preparing meals ahead of time and storing them in Tupperware for travel, eating tuna (did he say, tuna?) from the can and stirring Bomber Blend in water (yummo!) while on the road or at school. And there’s no going about the busy day without breakfast, unless you want to perform like a slug and leach your existing muscle tissue as a source of energy. 

Protein builds muscle and just about everything else in the body, from huge biceps to healthy hormones. You want all you can get and the best musclebuilding sources are red meat, chicken, fish, eggs and milk products. You can take out a pencil and underline red meat. It does it best! Of course, there are some folks who would rather eat a moss-covered rock. I understand. Vegetarian bodybuilders head for the nuts, legumes, grains and soy and anything else that’s healthy and edible and grows from the earth’s soil. It works. Lacto-ovo bodybuilding vegetarians do a better job, including milk products and eggs in their vegetarian menu. 

Balance your meals sensibly throughout the day. Some meals, by their timing will be larger – lunch and dinner time, for example. A protein drink can have as much protein as 60 to 75 grams of the golden ingredient with plenty of EFAs and complex carbs, yet it’s a simple, convenient and easy to digest meal. Shakes ideally serve bodybuilders for breakfast, before and after a workout, when on the run or before retiring -- key times for musclebuilding, weight-gaining meals. Yes! 

Remember: The robust eating supported by basic and sound training does put on healthy, hard and strong weight. The undertaking must not be occasional, hit or miss, part-time or in any way short of devoted. If so, the undertaking is no undertaking at all, but another half-hearted passing fancy. I think of the color pink. I also think of persistence and patience producing power and promise, and powerful, promising people.

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